Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hello to all,

Well it has been a good start to a great weekend. Not only is the weather beautiful, but Jesus is awesome!!! We had great fun with several youth Friday night at the bowling alley, I bowled an average of 115, not bad from my previous 60! It was a fun time of fellowship with you guys. For those who didn't make it we missed you. Hope you can make our next event, Valentine's Night at the church we are showing the movie "Fireproof", so come out and have some fun with a free movie, free pop, free popcorn, free candy. Are you noticing a theme here, it is all free. Let's remember the greatest free gift we ever received that is Jesus. It didn't cost us, but it cost Him His life. What a love He has for us. I'll leave you with this are you loving Him in return?

Have a great week!!!

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