Saturday, February 28, 2009

Get Together @ Chad & D'Lynn's

Well, here are a few pics of the get together last night. We were having so much fun we forget to take any pics until the end so there are only a few and not everyone is in them...We missed all those who could not be there.

We played a game called "Signs" but took us a little while to catch on!!! Also the "Name Game" where we had to think of a person's name and then the next person in the cirlce had to come up with a name that started with the first letter of the last name. If you took too long, you were out.

We did a continuing story where each person said the next line of a story. There was a lot of "poo" in that one!!! We laughed until our sides hurt through it all. Have a great weekend!!! Hope to see everyone tomorrow morning in church and Sunday School!!!

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